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What can you expect from The Complete Medium Retreat?


Where is your development heading?  Perhaps it's time to take stock of where you've been, and also to look forward: to plan new goals, to start afresh, and to begin to better understand the different aspects of your spiritual nature and self. The process of self-development is essential for your mediumistic unfoldment, but is as equally important in helping you to lead a more satisfied, fuller and meaningful life. 


The development of the medium is just as important as the development of the mediumship. Discovering for yourself the qualities and potentials of your soul will help you to build confidence and give you direction in your life, as it enables you to find an expression that is in harmony with what your soul is yearning for, whatever that expression may be. Moreover, by reflecting, understanding, and articulating the experiences that you have gone through, and the emotions that you feel, you can aid the process of self-healing, which inevitably leads to a deeper and richer mediumistic expression as The Complete Medium.


The great mediums of the past and present have all spiritualised their mediumship: they understood that if they wanted to understand and express the emotions of another soul, they first had to understand and express their own. Become a part of that tradition by fostering an understanding of your own soul first, and allow yourself to become more comfortable in your own skin and expression, which will then pave the way for a deeper and richer relationship with the spirit world.


Chris will encourage you to experience the reality of your own soul, to help you to discover its purpose, and to help you set attainable goals to work towards.  As the soul communicates with our conscious mind through the emotions, Chris will also help you to understand and articulate those emotions so that you can better understand yourself and your development.


The course will be looking in a practical way at deepening your evidence from the spirit world and the intelligence behind that communication. Chris will also be focusing on clairvoyance: there will be exercises in understanding and giving more specific evidence through clairvoyant pictures from the communicator. 


The sessions will focus on, in a practical way, demonstrating evidence of eternal life and the intelligence behind the communication; understanding the use of clairsentience in blending with the communicator from the spirit world; and being able to emanate from oneself the essence of the spirit communicator and obtain better evidence within your contacts.


In the private sittings situation Chris will look at exercises to strengthen and give structure to sittings, giving you exercises that will help you with understanding and assessing the needs of your sitter. The course shall also look at bringing your own individuality into your mediumship. 


The Complete Medium is about striving for more, pushing the boundaries of your mediumship and not settling at your current standard.  Take your psychic and mediumship abilities to the next level both in your private sittings and demonstrations in a constructive and supportive environment.  Be prepared to work hard.





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